The key concepts for educating children in any of our programmes...
1. Create massive amounts of time for outdoor learning. Being in and respecting nature and her goodness!
2. Let them grow and eat healthy food.
3. Give them time to quieten their minds, be comfortable in solitude, and the ability to watch their thoughts.
4. Create their own inner voice that reflects a strong moral code
5. Lead with compassion, love and kindness to themselves, others and the planet.
6. Apply creativity and innovation to everything they do. Entrepreneurs are the way forward.
DIY is vital.
7. Make sure they have a good laugh along the way, and run around like a crazy person. Movement is magic.
8. Teach our 10Rs the basics are: reduce reuse and recycle BUT we create systems of change with our RAS station (Resource Allocation Station) it's the way we interact with our rubbish to sort a zero waste world!
TTHill 1 day Schools….
8:15-2:15 Pick up and drop off from Waiheke Primary School.
All activities create healthy children, and a healthy planet.Each section of the day is created with the intentions of kindness to self, others and the planet.
8:30: Gathering Circle ! Kindness to self Bags in the lockers, water bottles, our shoes/gumboots on the shoe rack.with morning karakia, waiata with instruments (children learn to play percussion instruments and ukulele each eterm) Te Ao Māori Yoga flow - greeting and acknowledging our nature guides for the day.
8:45-8:55: chalkboard korero. What are you curious about today? What will fill your bucket?Tamariki and Kaiako offer thoughts, discussion and activities about what they need for their holistic development (filling their buckets ) for the day. This is in accordance with the different learning environments we have at TTHill, the season we are in and what our passion projects are.
8:55 -9:40: Kindness to self/others. Looking after the animals; feeding greens/veges, carbohydrates and filling water bottles, ensuring cages are clean. Following our AAA programme (Adopt an Animal).Children adopt and look after an animal for a term. Make morning tea: fruit mandals, joy buns etc Freedom to play in the natural playground, makerspace or paddock playground, and mining area. Time for socialising coming together as a team, moving their bodies and calming their minds in the outdoor classroom.
9:40-9:50: Kindness to self. Mindful Moment and tidy: Gong leader chosen each time who has displayed leadership with kindness to self, others or the planet. *
Gong Leader rings the gong 3 times. Each time the children and kaiako stop, take a breath, close eyes, cross arms over pu manawa and say a mantra that describes kindness to self others or the planet (change every 3 weeks) . Eg I am Happy I am Healthy I am grateful to be me. We then pause and listen to the sounds around us, taking a moment to soak in the vitamin D goodness bell is rung again and we move into tidying the area we are in, putting away the resources or equipment we are using and head in for morning tea.
9:50 - 10:15: Kindness to the Planet Morning tea; gather as a group for kai karakia and share food. Discuss and use 10Rs for zero waste.
10:15 - 12pm: Kindness to the planet. Hīkoi - walk & talk. Eco passion projects, choosing one of the 8 strands of our ethos, explore activities revolving around our reasons for the seasons. This is focused on large, small and individual group experiences with the kaiako in our Ngahere, forest and farm school, makerspace, garden, goodness glade, creative shed or on an adventure into a community green space on the motu.
12-1pm: Kindness to ourselves and others. Kai Karakia. Sit down for lunch in our kai cove, forest school or a picnic on the lawn.Freedom to explore own curiosities/urges in the makerspace, natural and paddock playground, animals and sport activities on the lawn.
1-1:45pm: Kindness to ourselves/others. Focused Drama, Music, crafting or creative session at TTHill home space or in the forest school.
1:45-1:55: Reflection time: Kindness to self, others and the planet packing up gear, gathering circle with waiata and daily reflection on where their buckets are at!?!
1:55-2:15: getting in vans and traveling back to meet whānau outside Waiheke Primary School Office.
*This is practised at each whole group transition throughout the day.
After Outdoor After School Awesomepreneurs:
We offer 1 week of holiday programmes during term time holidays. Generally in the first week! Please check our calendar to confirm. 2 weeks in the January school holidays (if needed).
You can pick up your child/ren at a time that suits you in session 1 or 2 at WPS. Late fees charged at $1 a minute after the scheduled session has ended. Unless previously discussed with Kirsten 0277339904 and emergencies.
2:30 Meet Kaiako beside the blackboard, outside the school office. Find your name and give it to kaiako. Stay together until everyone has arrived.
2:45: Get into vans and head to TTHill. Freedom to play at WPS in green spaces and playgrounds as supervised by Kaiako.
3pm@ WPS
3:15 @TTHill: Mindful Moment * and Kai time Gong Leader rings the gong 3 times. Each time the children and Kaiako stop, take a breath, close eyes, cross arms over pu manawa and say a mantra that describes kindness to self others or the planet. Eg I am Happy I am Healthy I am grateful to be me. We then pause and listen to the sounds around us taking a moment to soak in the vitamin D goodness, the bell is rung again and we move into afternoon tea wash hands etc. Gather together for kai Karakia and share food: organic bread, fruit veggies and dips. Gluten free brownie, water bottles
3:15 @ WPS Gathering circle.
3:30 @ TTHillKorero to plan activities...depending on what specialist is teaching, break out into drama, crafting, photography, art, music, sport activities or children can play in the different green spaces or play games depending what they need after a day at school.
4pm @ WPS Session 1 ends 4-5:30 continues Kaiako and children regroup into specialised activities and free play. Pick ‘n’ Mix activities based on outdoor play, creativity and filling their buckets.
3:45-5pm @ TTHill
Korero to plan activities...depending on what specialist is teaching, break out into drama, crafting, photography, art, music, sport activities or children can play in the different green spaces or play games depending what they need after a day at school. Pick ‘n’ Mix activities based on outdoor play, creativity and filling their buckets.
5-5:15 @ TTHill Reflection time Kindness to self, others and the planet.Packing up gear, gathering circle with waiata and daily reflection on where their buckets are at!? Getting in vans and traveling back to meet whānau outside Waiheke Primary School Office for 5:30pm.
5:30-6pm @ WPS Tidy up. Reflection time. Kindness to self, others and the planet. Packing up gear, gathering circle with waiata and daily reflection on where their buckets are at!
Tots on the Hill
8:45am: TTHill Kaiako arrives at Tots on the Rock to load Tots tamariki into the vans.
9am: Leave Tots on the Rock for TTHill.
9:25-9:40: Arrive at TTHill, put children’s belongings away in lockers, gathering circle, waiata, introductions and connecting as a team.
9:40 - 9:55: Kindness to Self/Others. Looking after the animals; feeding greens/veges, carbohydrates and filling water bottles, ensuring cages are clean. Play in the paddock playground. Make morning tea: fruit mandalas.
10:15-11:30: Nature Play and Creativity Using the different Te Whāriki strands, our ethos and exploring activities revolved around our reasons for the seasons. This is focused on large, small and individual group experiences with the kaiako in our ngahere, forest and farm school, makerspace, garden, goodness glade and creative shed. This is based on developing fine and gross motor skills and practising dominant movement patterns. Overall building confidence, resilience and connection to the whenua by risk taking and spending more time outside exploring the natural environment.
11:30-12: Kindness to self Kai Karakia. Lunch. Kaiako tidy up. Schema play following their own curiosities and urges e.g. jumping, running and rolling down the hill.
12-12:30 Singing waiata in the bus as they head back to Tots on the Rock.
TTHill Holiday Programmes:
All activities create healthy children, and a healthy planet. Each section of the day is created around kindness to self, others and the planet.Pick up and drop off from Waiheke Primary School.
8:15: Kaiako arrives at WPS to get children in buses...please chat with Kirsten 0277339904 if you need an earlier time for your child to be dropped off.
8:30: Leave in buses to TThill.
8:45: Gathering circle! kindness to self/othersBags in the lockers, water bottles, our shoes/gumboots on the shoe rack. with morning karakia, waiata with instruments Te Ao Māori Yoga flow - greeting and acknowledging our nature guides for the day. Name game. Introducing boundaries and expectations at TTHill.
9am: chalkboard korero. What are you curious about today? What will fill your bucket? Tamariki and Kaiako offer thoughts, discussion and activities about what they need for their holistic development (filling their buckets) for the day. This is in accordance with the different learning environments we have at TTHill, the season we are in and what our holiday programme focus is!
9:15-10am: Kindness to Self/Others. Looking after the animals; feeding greens/beges, carbohydrates and filling water bottles, ensuring cages are clean. Make morning tea: fruit mandals, joy buns etc Freedom to play in the natural playground, makerspace of paddock playground, and mining area. Time for socialising coming together as a team, moving their bodies and calming their minds in the outdoor classroom.
10-10:10: Kindness to self. Mindful Moment and tidy: Gong leader chosen each time who has displayed good leadership with kindness to self, others or the planet.*
Gong Leader rings the gong 3 times. Each time the children and kaiako stop, take a breath, close eyes, cross arms over pu manawa and say a mantra that describes kindness to self others or the planet. Eg I am Happy I am Healthy I am grateful to be me. We then pause and listen to the sounds around us, taking a moment to soak in the vitamin D goodness, the bell is rung again and we move into tidying the area we are in, putting away the resources or equipment we are using and head in for morning tea.
10:10-10:30: Kindness to the Planet.Morning tea; gather as a group for kai karakia and share food.Discuss and use 10Rs for zero waste.
10:30 - 11:30: SESSION 1. Kindness to the planet. Hīkoi - walk & talk.Divide into 2 groups Focused Drama, Music, crafting or creative session at TTHill home space, Ngahere, forest school, makerspace, creative shed or in the garden! Activities revolved around the holiday programme
12-1pm: Kindness to ourselves and others.Kai Karakia. Sit down for lunch in our kai cove, forest school or a picnic on the lawn. Freedom to explore own curiosities/urges in the makerspace, natural and paddock playground, animals and sport activities on the lawn.
1-2pm: The Big Relax & Story session
2-3pm: SESSION 2. Swap over from morning session Kindness to the planet. Hīkoi - walk & talk. Divide into 2 groups Kindness to ourselves and others. Focused Drama, Music, crafting or creative session at TTHill home space, Ngahere, forest school, makerspace, creative shed or in the garden! Activities revolved around the holiday programme focus.
3-3:45pm: Kai Time Kai Karakia and snack.Freetime in nature play!
3:45- 4:15 Tidy up, reflection time, gathering circle Kindness to self, others and the planetPacking up gear/creations. Gathering circle with waiata and daily reflection on where their buckets are at!?!
4-4:15: getting in vans and traveling back to meet whānau outside Waiheke Primary School Office.
*This is practised at each whole group transition throughout the day. # Please note (apart from transportation timings) the flow of the TTHill programme is replicated at WPS.